Training Seminars
Open for the public

Tactical pistol Seminar
Level one- Two days Seminar
Best utilization of a pistol as a weapon.
This seminar is designed to build strong pistol fundamentals needed during a Firefight. The training is based on the same methodology and tactics for used by Israeli protection & special units for fighting in a civilian environment and as basic fighting skills. The aim is to end the shootout fast and prevent civilian casualties
Who is it for: (1) NO knowledge or very little pistol experience. (2) Experienced shooters who wish to increase their fighting skills- fast weapon draw, fast magazine changes, fast instinctive shooting and malfunction handling, into into Israeli combat drills.
Why us: We work with a different approach in our training, instruction modules are much more individual, better instructor-student ratio. The training is carefully constructed and each drill is aimed to cover more aspects of pistol shooting and fighting. The training is very dynamic, in the first hours you will already start fighting, not only shooting. Since the training is based on a protection units curriculum- we put high importance on responsible shooting- each bullet release is important
Experienced shooter? we will push you and challenge you to higher level
Two days training
650 Euro (including weapon and ammunition)

Tactical Pistol Seminar -Advanced
Stage two- Two days Seminar
Turn range performance into effectiveness in reality.
We will work on responding on an active shooting in a civilian environment with the presence of multiple civilians, this could also be a threat to your own family members. We will cover fast CQB, with room entry with live fire, manoeuvring inside a structure, correct use of cover, moving targets, friendlies/ terrorist’s recognition, taking hard shoots, and shooting at longer distances, decision making under stress and more.
Training will be mostly done with live weapons.
Who is it for: This is training is aimed at experienced shooters. to take this training you should have at least basic knowledge at fast pistol draw, magazine changes, clearing malfunctions etc.
Why Us: Israeli techniques for active shooting are ground breaking, while the world watch in horror how school shootings are poorly resolved, Israel has a working tactics, proved effective in multiple occasions. As a former protection agent I will bring you to the civilian level to solve such events. We offer a methodical and dynamic approach- battel tested approach
Two days training
650 Euro (including weapon and ammunition)

Tactical Carbine
Two days Seminar
Tactical Carbine Seminar
The training is built to develop your individual carbine skills to be applied in a gunfight and for effective carbine manipulation as a weapon. We will cover the basics and move into reality-based training, fast first accurate bullet release, shooting under stress, grasping fast weapon handling. Focusing at urban environment we will cover combat shooting at close range and medium range, in different postures, using cover and leaning points. The seminar will increase your weapon proficiency and your ability to respond effectively in a gun fight.
Beginners friendly- This seminar is a good way to get first-hand experience and knowledge.
For experienced shooters, this seminar will push your skills to the next level of tactical carbine skills
Two days training
700 Euro (including weapon and ammunition)

Small Unit Tactics
Open field and Urban- 5 days Seminar
This 5-day training of small unit tactics is open to experienced carbine shooters, we will not work much on the individual skills, but on the team work. Movement and fire drills from pairs work to a larger group simultaneously responding to fire. We will conduct live fire exercises in different engagements, from close range to medium range cover and movement.
Price is subject to class size and content of training

Designated Marksman
Accurately and rapidly engage multiple targets in range and hard targets which the usual rifleman could not do as effectively. Unlike the sniper, the DS is an active member of the unit , moving together with the unit and responding to the threats the unit is engaging.
Hence, he should be able to provide FAST response to immediate and changing threats
Three days training
Price 1400 Euro

Low light Tactical training
Pistol skills
The low light shooting training is aim at encounters with threats or potential adversaries in locations or during times with minimal or no light. We will explore the safer ways of using a flash light to identify communicate, deescalate and control contacts which we make in dark locations. Professional manipulation of a flashlight is necessary to maximise its effectiveness and to reduce its vulnerabilities. The training is combining the use of a pistol with a hand held flashlight.

CQB Seminar
Level one
Mission based CQB: many review close quarter combat in one single way, thinking 'this is the way to do it' other ways are wrong. The truth about CQB is that you should always think about your mission profile.
On level one CQB we work on a single operator response for a mass shooting, could be in a school, a church a shopping mall or any other public building. The unique method practiced in Israel for years is also the basis for further CQB skills development

CQB Seminar
Level two
Working in close quarter combat within a building could be challenging, it would be optimal to work with an integral team, or within a unit thus achieving the best coordination and and trust among the group. We offer this training for both groups and individuals, we focus on limited entry with different mission profiles leading to different building activities

Undercover Ops
Basic operator
Welcome to our exclusive undercover training experience where security meets expertise. Join us for specialized instruction in Operation, Planning, & Management; Creating a Personal Undercover Profile; and mastering Surveillance and Counter-Surveillance techniques. Elevate your skills through engaging Practical Field Exercises.
Training Highlights:
No weapons, no running: The only sweat will be from mental stress, thinking of the amazing things you are going to do next.
Master the Art: Following without detection, keeping observation without exposure, entering premises without raising suspicion. The work of an agent is the heart of this training, and for it, we bring a former operative to guide you.